Though this may sound like an article about high tech gadgetry, it is actually theological in nature. I am glad about my solid and permanent connection with Christ himself, the Lord of the church, and the author of my salvation. He is my direct mediator to God the Father, the name through which I pray, and the one who gives me the power to live the life he has called me to live. I love my direct connection with my Lord. I need no back up system, no redundant systems, no wireless routers, no high speed modem, no second processor, no firewall, no virus protection. Jesus and I are connected, and if there are any dead zones between us they are of my own making.
When sharing the gospel with others my only task is to lift up the name of Christ and to speak up about my high regard for the Word of God which introduced me to Christ and allows me to introduce Him to others as well. I don't need to promote any specific flavor of Christianity or win people to any particular leaning or man-made affiliation. Though it is not my purpose to speak ill of denominations, theologies, dispensations, synods, bishoprics, or church associations, it is my intention to spend my energies promoting Christ and the Bible period! My hope is that others will also know the joy of their own direct connection to Christ. Just a thought.
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